Service Info
Join us for Summer Sunday Worship beginning Memorial Day weekend!
A Traditional Hymn Sing at 8:15 AM and Worship Service 8:30 AM include hymns accompanied by grand piano and organ and a message from God’s Word shared by an excellent Christian speaker.
A Contemporary Worship Service at 10:30 AM features modern worship music accompanied by a full band and a message from God’s Word shared by an excellent Christian speaker.
Nursery and “Kids Church” Classes are available during both services for infants through fifth grade.
A Meet & Greet with the Speaker is open to all attendees after each service. Books or other resources from the speaker are often available for purchase and autographs.
You’ll find people dressed in everything from flip-flops and tank tops on their way to the beach to “Sunday best” suits and dresses.
There is ample free parking in our lots with entrances off Asbury Avenue and 6th Street.
A covered drop-off circle is available at our front entrance off Wesley Avenue.